Electrolysis based soil fertility


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Hydrogen gas has been shown to improve soil fertility by increasing nutrient availability, improving root growth, and increasing microbial activity. One way to produce hydrogen gas for soil fertilization is through electrolysis, which is the process of using electricity to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen gas.


To make a hydrogen generator from electrolysis, you will need a power supply, two electrodes, an electrolyte solution, and a container. Once you have assembled the generator, hydrogen gas will begin to bubble out of the electrolyte solution. You can collect the gas in a balloon or other container and apply it to your soil by releasing it directly into the soil or mixing it with water and applying it as a liquid fertilizer.


Using hydrogen gas for soil fertilization has a number of benefits, including increased crop yields, improved crop quality, reduced pesticide use, and improved soil health.


Vaibhav S. 7th, Akshat P. 7th, Aryan Y. 7th, Akshita T. 7th,